Wall Texture Services in Lakewood, Colorado

The tapering, layering, and finishing is complete; what’s next? There’s one final step you can do before marking your drywall project as finished, and that is choosing a wall texture. 

Whether you’re looking for a textured ceiling or wall, there are many options you can currently choose from. Overall, having a drywall texture at home may add an extra touch of style and personality to your home. 

Even if you’re not looking for a modern ceiling texture (or any particular sheetrock texture in general), you could also opt for textured wall paint, which involves an extra painting job for those who want to take their project one step further. 

Our wall texture designing team at Lakewood Drywall Squad is eager to work with your home and come up with the best wall texture ideas for you. We know that each home is unique and should represent the owner. If you’re unsure of what type of plaster texture is good for your property, you may consider giving us a call or filling out our contact form. 

Let’s take a look at everything our team can do for you! 

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Lakewood Drywall Squad (Wall Texture SP)

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Lakewood Drywall Squad (Wall Texture SP)

Drywall contractor performing wall texturing services

Wall Texturing Types

As mentioned earlier, there are different ceiling textures you can choose from; the same goes for your walls. Regardless of the plaster wall texture that you decide to go with, we’re positive we can give you a hand and create the room of your dreams! 


Here’s an overview of the most popular drywall ceiling texture and wall texture options you can currently opt for: 

Knockdown Texture 

A knockdown ceiling (or knock-down ceiling) is one of the most commonly requested texture types among customers. Overall, it involves applying a texture on the wall or ceiling, and then dragging a knife or wall/ceiling texture roller over it, causing the “texture.” 


One of the most remarkable things about the knockdown ceiling texture or wall texture is that it looks subtle yet elegant in homes. If you don’t want to go over the top with your texturing job, knockdown can be a good choice to consider. 

Moreover, knockdown textures also include different variations, such as the California knockdown ceiling and wall or Santa Fe knockdown texture. 

Orange Peel Texture 

An orange peel ceiling or wall involves leaving small splatters on the surface. This kind of texture is mostly used as a bedroom wall texture or a living room texture. Keep in mind the orange peel texture is one of the subtlest textures you can get for your home, so if you don’t want to go overboard with your texture, this may be a decent option to consider. 

Regarding orange peel, most companies offer to work with three different types of “orange peel,” including fine/subtle, medium, and heavy.

Popcorn Texture 

Popcorn walls and ceilings were mostly popular in the 50s. The name comes from the “popcorn-like” look that it leaves on the walls and ceilings. Many homeowners go for this texture because it’s cheap and easy to install, as well as an excellent option for those who want to increase noise dampening. 

However, popcorn textures are challenging to maintain, so if you’re going to go for this one, make sure you assess everything that comes with it and that you install it with the right people. 

Stucco Texture 

Stucco is made from sand, Portland cement, water, and lime. Some homeowners go for a stucco wall texture or ceiling texture when they want to add an extra coat of paint to the property. There are many variations regarding stucco, and it’s definitely not a subtle texture. 


Still, stucco can provide an excellent look to your home if installed properly. You may talk to our professionals if you’re assessing several options. 

Other Texture Services 

Some other vital texturing services we offer include: 

Textured Ceiling Repair 

Textured ceilings and walls need frequent maintenance to keep their properties; if you don’t, you could be exposed to water problems, holes, cracks, and more. We can help you fix any issue in record time. 

Removing Texture from Ceilings 

If you want to remove your textured walls or ceilings to apply other types of texture or to keep a smooth finish, we can also help you with that. Once you tell us what you want, we’ll get right to work.

What Is the Average Cost of Texturing Drywall?

There’s no exact cost for texturing jobs involving plasterboard since it depends on several factors. These factors include: 

  • Length of the project 
  • Size of the room 
  • Workers’ fees 
  • Materials used 
  • Additional services (insulation, removal, etc.) 

Wall Texture FAQs

Our Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Is Wall Texturing?

    Wall texturing, as the name implies, is the process of adding dimension to a wall. Contractors use various techniques and materials to create a wide range of visual effects. Let’s look at some of the most common wall texturing methods: 

    • Drywall texture. Specialized equipment or methods, such as a texture roller, texture brush, or hopper gun, can be used to texture drywall. These techniques produce designs like swirls, stippling, or popcorn textures.

    • Venetian plaster. Numerous layers of plaster or specialty plaster-like material are applied to the surface to create a Venetian plaster finish. A smooth, glossy finish with slight color and textural changes is produced by burnishing or polishing the layers.

    • Skip trowel drywall texture. This texture is a great option for those looking for a more rustic appearance. To produce a skip trowel texture, drywall compound is first applied to the wall before a trowel is used to make a random series of swirls. Skip trowl ceiling texture is also great option to fab up a dull or outdated ceiling.

    • Stucco. Stucco can also be used to create a textured appearance on exterior surfaces. It produces a rough, irregular texture that gives the wall depth and volume and can be applied by troweling or spraying.

  • What Are The Benefits Of Textured Walls?

    The truth is that many prefer textured walls, as they add dimension and visual interest to a space. There are many different designs to choose from, and they can be used to express your creativity while breaking up the monotony of regular walls.

    However, the benefits of wall texturing go much beyond just visual appeal. The technique also offers the perfect way to conceal flaws that would otherwise detract from the beauty of the room. It’s also a great way to hide unsightly marks and stubborn stains. 

    Certain textures, such as stucco, also offer acoustic benefits. By absorbing sound, it reduces the echo in the room and makes it more soundproof. Texturing your walls and ceilings can also add visual interest by interacting with light, which adds to the allure of the space.

  • Can Wall Texturing Be Done On Drywall?

    Absolutely! Block or brick walls aren’t the only surfaces suitable for texturing. You can create depth and dimension or hide imperfections on your drywall with texture. There are various options for you to choose from, such as: 

    • Popcorn
    • Skip trowel 
    • Sand swirl 
    • Comb
    • Orange peel
    • Knockdown
    • Slap brush

    To create such textures, various materials, and tools can be used. Joint compound or specialized mixes are used, along with a texture brush, roller, trowel, or hopper gun, depending on the desired effect.

    As adding texture is a final step, it’s important to talk to a reliable contractor to apply texture to your drywall rather than attempting it on your own.

  • What Is The Best Way To Maintain Textured Walls?

    To maintain the appearance of your textured walls, upkeep is essential. We recommend dusting your walls regularly to get rid of any dirt that could be taking away from the overall appearance of the texture. If this does not help, then consider using a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush to gently remove the dust.

    It’s important not to use anything abrasive, as this could cause lasting damage, and avoid exposing your walls to excess moisture, as this could result in water damage. 

    Moreover, you must take immediate action if any areas of the textured wall sustain damage or begin to crumble. To retain the structural integrity of the wall overall, you will need to hire a contractor who can carefully patch and retexture the area that is affected to fix any holes, chips, or broken texture.

    It's possible for the paint on textured walls to become worn or discolored over time. When necessary, touch up the paint to keep the textured surface's general appearance consistent.

    If you need help maintaining your textured walls, you can get in touch with a local service provider for expert help and guidance.

  • What Are The Popular Wall Texture Styles For Modern Homes?

    There are many popular wall texture styles for modern homes, including:

    1. Flat or smooth finish: An expert can help you achieve a clean and sleek look by applying a joint compound to the walls or ceiling and sanding it to create a smooth appearance. 
    2. Knockdown texture: This style is created by lightly troweling the joint compound that was sprayed on the wall. It consists of a textured pattern with a flattened peak. 
    3. Skip trowel: Skip trowel is associated with its stucco-like effect, only subtler. 
    4. Orange peel texture: This is a slightly bumpy texture that resembles an orange peel. Technicians achieve this style by spraying joint compound and using a roller to create the specific effect.
  • Can I Texture My Walls Myself, Or Should I Hire A Professional?

    Technically speaking, you could texture your walls yourself. However, It’s not advisable for a number of reasons.

    Firstly, you won’t have the assurance that you’re getting a high-quality outcome. Professional wall texture applicators understand the demands of the job. They have many years of experience and have received extensive training to ensure that they know what they’re doing. 

    This will ensure that you end up with a uniform, consistent finished product that will last for a long time and add value to your home. 

    Furthermore, contractors know how to prepare walls for the addition of texture. This prolongs the lifespan of the texture, ensuring that it provides visual appeal to your home for a long time. 

    Applying texture is also time-consuming and requires the use of the proper tools, equipment, and materials, so it may be more cost-effective to hire a pro instead of attempting to do it yourself.

  • Can I Paint Over Textured Walls?

    Although it may be more challenging than painting over a smooth surface, textured walls can be painted with a little patience and knowledge of the right painting techniques. To ensure that your textured walls are painted correctly, you’ll need to start by cleaning and priming the surfaces to be painted. 

    Then, you can use high-quality paint with a paint roller or a brush to get the perfect finish. Make sure you’re getting into every nook and cranny to ensure a consistent and appealing final product. A small brush may be required to do this. 

    Two or more coats of paint may be required to get an even uniform end result. 

Contact Our Wall Texture Experts Today! 

Spraying texture on a ceiling or wall isn’t easy by any means. Doing this job incorrectly could lead to severe problems with your internal structure, which may warrant more money from you in the future. Our wide range of wall texture services can help with whatever upgrades or repairs you have in mind.

If you’re looking for professionals to complete this job, you can count on the team at Lakewood Drywall Squad! Contact us today by phone or by filling out our contact form. 

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